Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just think today is the last day of summer and if you are like me you are not ready for fall let alone to have winter to come.  It is kind of like people who have problems with their back or what we call the spine in the business of chiropractic.  What I mean by this is the fact that our bodies always gives us a little sign here and there that there is something going wrong in our bodies.  It is kind of like those nights when we have some discomfort in our back and we think it is just some tight muscles and it will go away, but I will help it by taking some pain tablets and that will fix it.  We as humans have a very wrong belief that pain tablets and anti-inflammatory tables fix our problems in our bodies.  All these tablets do is cover up the problems by killing the pain message for a period of time and during that time we keep aggravating the condition.  Then all of a sudden we bend or lift or fall and then we have a great increase in the pain, or we wake up some day and have this large increase in the pain and can not get out of bed.  Then we think what do I do now?  If you have been a good chiropractic patient you would call your Doctor of Chiropractic.  If you have not been or never been to a Chiropractor you may call your MD.  He or she may give you more pain pills or a shot, then send you to therapy, once the shot or pills wear off you get the same pain or no improvement from the therapy over a long period of time.  Finely after weeks of do this you make your mind up to maybe try Chiropractic, once you have been examined and x-rays have been taken you find out you may have to have a series of treatments to get the help and relief you have been looking for over all the weeks you have been hurting.  There is one problem most of us want to get over the pain right away and can understand why it is going to take a period of time and treatment to get the help.  Maybe it is because we have been having to pain so long and we just want a miracle, those are the exception.  Your body has been dealing with this condition for months to years and has been trying to tell you but you may have relied on the pain tablets to much for your relief so your body had to keep adapting to try and protect you from the severe pain.  Your body can only do that so long and then it just has to let you know that you should have done something sooner.  Once the Doctor of Chiropractic starts to help you, then you have to stay with it to finish getting it balanced so the condition does not return in a month or two.  Some patients that I have seen did not follow trough with the treatment and then they end up back in the office with the same or worse condition which should have not happened if they would have just followed trough with the recommended care the first time.  Once you are over your condition and your pain it is highly recommended then to stay with some sort of preventive check up to avoid future conditions.  It is much easier to keep someone in good shape then to keep trying to rebuild their spine from neglect or from not doing preventive care.

I have had some people tell me that they do not go to the Chiropractic office because they have heard that once you go you have to keep going.  There is a whole miss understanding of that, you have to go for a series of care just to fix the problems, they have to be fixed a little at a time so the muscle system can balance properly with each treatment, and once that has been done and you are over your condition it is for prevention care.  This prevention care is up to the patient if they want to do that, and it is highly recommended.  If you think about the comment of once you go you always have to go, that is what happened when I went to my dentist, the dentist always makes me come back and asked why?  They stated it was to help prevent future problems, man does that sound similar to what I just wrote?  The funny thing is most people do not look at that the same as going to the Doctor of Chiropractic which really surprises me, I could live without my teeth but if my spinal cord and spine were not fixed I could even die from that since the spine and spinal cord are your life line for the body.  Think about it, I not saying I would look good without teeth, but I could live and do the things I always do without them, but the spine and spinal cord damage would make iot hard to live the way I want or even at all if they were severely damaged because then the rest of my body could not get the nerve supply it needs to function, everything would start to fall apart. 

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