Friday, September 17, 2010


Good morning from the Mahnke Chiropractic Center in Fremont NE.  This is the new blog that we have just set up so we can keep in touch with our patients and at the same time maybe even get some much needed Chiropractic education out to our patients on different conditions that people have with their health and their spine.  The big thing that people need to understand is how important their nervous system is to their health and where this nervous system is housed.  Several hundred years ago the Father of medicine said look well to the spine for disease.  There is not one function that your body can do with out some nerve function.  Every function of your body then has to be started with an impulse from a nerve that has to pass through your spine, and if that nerve is not passing through the spine without pressure on it that function is not going to happen correctly due to pressure from a vertebrae that has been displaced or subluxated.  As you should be able to see or understand from this simple explanation there is a large need for all people to make a visit to a Dr. of Chiropractic to help keep the bodies communication system open and help keep the body healthy.

As time goes on with this blog we are going to start to help patients understand the need for spinal disc decompression treatments to help solve bulging disc in the lower spine.  There are way to many patients that end up getting lower spinal surgeries that are not needed if they just do spinal disc decompression along with their chiropractic spinal care.  Our office has an average of 92% successes when using spinal disc decompression with a lower spinal disc bulge and chiropractic care.  For now I will be signing off, there will be more to come at another date.  Please enjoy our new blog.

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